About Us

Finding a whole range of different options to entertain a new little family member is a challenge at the best of times, throw in a global pandemic, being a first time Mum and quite a distance between our little family and support from our extended family.  

We at TheTeething Co were set on a mission, to create a one stop shop that specialises in the offering of non-toxic, BPA free baby teething toys that are cute, fun and playful for mother, daughter, son and father alike.  

As we all know infants want to put everything in their mouths.  Non toxic, BPA free teething toys are a must.  We found so many different options across many different online ecommerce websites, it confused us.  It only made sense to focus on becoming a one stop shop & teething resource with a full range of different baby teething toys in both silicone teether and wood teether ranges. 

Our product range continues to expand as we grow over the coming months and years, making baby teething a fun, informative and playful step forward for the entire family.